Real Estate Postcards: What You Need To Know

Postcards in real estate are a great way to market your home or land. The cards can be mailed directly to potential buyers, who will contact your realtor with questions about the property. But there’s more to real estate postcards that you should know about:

 Real Estate Postcards Drive Results

Postcards may boost website, office, and open-house visitors. These cards help spread your message. Postcards are a cheap method to spread your message. Moreover, they’re a customizable method of advertising.

Real Estate Postcard Marketing Tips

  • Promote your website with postcards.
  • Use them to drive traffic to your open house.
  • Use postcards to drive traffic to your listing.
  • Use them to drive traffic to your agent’s profile or office address.

Best Fonts For Postcards

You want clean typefaces. Use a simple typeface to read from a distance and in all lighting.

You’ve probably heard of “legibility.” Legibility is how easily a non-expert can identify a typeface’s letters, numerals, and symbols. An ordinary reader may tell whether something is readable by comparing it to the name on their birth certificate or driver’s license.

Let’s suppose that legibility implies your audience can comprehend what you’ve written because it looks like something they’re acquainted with.

Many typefaces for print advertising don’t look well on screen (which is where most people will see these postcards). You need one that works online and offline, ideally one that was built digitally from the start.

Best Colors For Postcards

When developing a real estate postcard, consider color psychology. Distinct color combinations express different messages. Specific colors combine better than others. Red and orange produce passion and warmth, while blue and black provide tranquility. You may affect your consumers’ moods by picking the correct graphics and language for your postcards.

It is also crucial to understand which colors are prevalent in current design trends so you can employ them in your designs for maximum influence on prospective consumers. Seasonal changes might affect how colors are seen.

Best Real Estate Postcard Sizes

When it comes to real estate postcard sizes, there are a few things you should know. The size of your real estate postcard can affect the success of your postcard campaign and what size is best for your real estate postcards Here’s how to use the correct size for your postcards:

  • A 4 x 6 or a 5 x 7 are both suitable sizes; both are easy to mail and read when they arrive in someone’s mailbox.
  • Use a picture of anything related to the property that will catch people’s attention, like an incredible view or a beautiful kitchen or bathroom (if applicable). If you have access to other photos of different rooms or even outside shots that showcase what sets this particular home apart from others in its price range, include them!
  • This should be written on one line at the top left corner with no more than three sentences explaining why this property is worth looking into further! Provide a phone number, address, and website if applicable.


Several tools are available to make the postcard mailing process easier. If you’re looking for inspiration or want tips on starting to use this medium for marketing your home, you must hire a professional to create real estate postcard design templates.

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